We love the idea of publicly thanking moms. We don't do that enough. It somehow costs more to do it this way. It's more meaningful perhaps. The other awesome thing about The 1K Moms Project is that it helps other Moms and their families. How appropriate since that is what moms are all about. Helping others -- particularly their families. The story about the mother duck plucking her own feathers to line the nest really resonates with our family. Houses may be bought, built, or borrowed. But homes can only be made. And only with bits of ourselves . When you build a home, you start with a blank slate. It only comes together (both as a house and a home) with "bits of ourselves." Jolyn poured much more than her own feathers into our previous home. She was all in -- making sure that every detail, every decision was going to bless her family. “Mother ducks pick feathers from their chests to line their nests.” She lines the nest with bi...
Each of us were born in different states. Jolyn was born in Montana, Mike in New York, Trevor in Indiana and Hannah in Oregon where we have lived since 1996.