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Comic Strip or Corporate Documentary?

Mike was fired from Symantec (aka Somantic) in the middle of April – absolutely blind-sided - in what appears to be a very clear-cut case of him (and at least one other person) taking the fall for some upper-level management incompetence. They were accused, tried, convicted, sentenced, & punished without opportunity for any rebuttal whatsoever. The organization he was in has a reputation for being an absolutely poisonous place to work but Mike really poured heart & soul into it to try & succeed. He was just met with resistance at every turn & was ultimately libeled.
As the shock wore off, we discovered a blessing in disguise (in several ways). We have a family life once again! No more late nights at the office for Mike or calling contractors in India at midnight. We realized the incredible stress a job with big corporate America placed on us. We realized that no amount of pay or benefits could make up for the cost to our family.
We found sufficiency in our loving Heavenly Father and in the supportive caring of family and friends. Not only did the Lord see us through the trauma of a job loss, He provided for our every need.
In June, Mike re-joined SmartCAMcnc and the group of friends who pursued a start up company following the other lay-off in our lives 3 years ago. The fledgling company is doing quite well with over 10 employees. Pay and benefits can’t begin to compete with the likes of Somantic but quality of life has improved immeasurable for all of us. We couldn’t be happier.
In November,
Somantic fired Mike's former boss. Id quot circumiret, circumveniat.


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