By Trevor
This spring, Trevor had a great time playing for the Little League Diamond Backs. In one of his games, he hit two inside-the-park home runs!!! In his last game, the team had two problems. First, one of their best pitchers, Brendan, was injured. Second, they only had 8 players including Brendan. Near the end of the game, Trevor went to the mound to pitched. He nearly saved the game, but the dumb time limit ended and the D-Backs were behind by one run!!!!!! That was really upsetting. Late in the summer, Trevor and his sister Hannah stayed with their Grandpa Herc & Georgia for a whole week… without their parents!!!!!! This school year is going great. Trevor's favorite subject is math. His sister thinks that long division is very, very hard, but to him, it's easy. His best friend at school is a kid named Josh. They are very close friends and both play in Beginning Band. Trevor was first chair Alto Saxophone. Trevor got a bunch of neat stuff for Christmas including a PS2 (PlayStation2). It is a video game system with controllers that have a whole bunch of different buttons (just for those of you that don't know). His sister got a really fun game called “Wallace & Gromit in Project Zoo”. Trevor had a lot of fun this year and hopes you did too.

This spring, Trevor had a great time playing for the Little League Diamond Backs. In one of his games, he hit two inside-the-park home runs!!! In his last game, the team had two problems. First, one of their best pitchers, Brendan, was injured. Second, they only had 8 players including Brendan. Near the end of the game, Trevor went to the mound to pitched. He nearly saved the game, but the dumb time limit ended and the D-Backs were behind by one run!!!!!! That was really upsetting. Late in the summer, Trevor and his sister Hannah stayed with their Grandpa Herc & Georgia for a whole week… without their parents!!!!!! This school year is going great. Trevor's favorite subject is math. His sister thinks that long division is very, very hard, but to him, it's easy. His best friend at school is a kid named Josh. They are very close friends and both play in Beginning Band. Trevor was first chair Alto Saxophone. Trevor got a bunch of neat stuff for Christmas including a PS2 (PlayStation2). It is a video game system with controllers that have a whole bunch of different buttons (just for those of you that don't know). His sister got a really fun game called “Wallace & Gromit in Project Zoo”. Trevor had a lot of fun this year and hopes you did too.